So, I haven't updated this blog in quite a bit. People get busy, ya' know? Anyway, with a readership of like, 4 I don't think I'm disappointing anyone too much. Regardless, the main reason I haven't updated in a while is because I HAD A KID! Yep, the guy who can't grow hair on his own head has had a child. Well, I didn't birth the little bundle of joy myself, that credit goes to the wife, but I helped in the production department, so I get to call her mine. Angela Elizabeth (Ella for short) was born on January 25th at 1:16 am. She weighed 7.5lb and was 19.5 inches long, fully healthy and home with Mom right now. Being a new Dad is pretty humbling as now all of my decisions take that premise into consideration. I know everyone says it, but everything to my driving style to how often I call home has changed. Of course my sleep cycle has changed a bit also, but if you know me, I'm not a big sleeper so I'm not really losing any sleep. I do sleep a lot lighter than I did in the past.
Leading up to the due date, people kept asking me if I was nervous. Honestly, I was more nervous in that 5 minute span waiting to see if the wand would have a negative line or positive lines about 7 months ago. I was extremely calm ... that is, until they told my wife she could start pushing. It was kind of like that feeling you get when you're going into the boss' office for a performance review and you really don't know whether you're going to get a raise or get fired. Because honestly, until the kid comes out, they can't tell you if all the fingers are there, they can't tell you if she's going to grow teeth out of her nose, they can't tell you whether she'll keep breathing once she's out, they can't even tell you that they're 100% sure it's a she. So, I got a little touch of nervousness there, but I prayed with my wife and we found strength.
The Mrs. was amazing during delivery. I forewarned her that I fully expected to be cursed out in the delivery room. I mean, that's the story you always hear, right? Guys always talk about their wives punching them or degrading them or telling them they hate them or something like that. Well, my wife told me she wouldn't because she would be focused, and you know what? She was right. Maybe the epidural helped with that but she didn't curse or tell me she hated me so I really don't care what the reason was. She just stared straight forward and got the job done. Total delivery time (from when she started pushing to birth) was less than an hour. I will say this, I will take my wife in a fight over any woman who has not had kids because if you can handle that, taking a shot or two to the jaw is a cinch.
So I'm a Dad now. The kid only seems to cry when she's hungry and occassionally when she's getting her diaper changed. Other than that, she just wants to check out the scenery and relax. Fun times ahead boys and girls, fun times ahead.
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