Monday, December 19, 2005

Just stick to the recipe ...

I know that it's Christmas Time, and with Christmas Time (someone out of my readership of four will complain that it's "Holiday Time" - good luck) a lot of people start to get pretty bold with their belief that they are pastry chefs. I have nothing against people that have never tried to feed me before, blessing me with cookies and chocolate's and brownies and cupcakes. It's the Christmas Season and if giving involves delivering me a plate of homemade concoctions that have sugar and chocolate in the recipe, I won't stop you. What I would suggest, however, is that you don't delineate from the recipe as it was written.

I use my boss as an example, not because I'm interested in losing my job, but because I could joke with her about this without losing my job. Understand, it was very generous and gracious that she supplied my colleague and I with rice krispy treats, but a warning that they were made with multi-colored candy cane shards would have helped a touch. There's nothing like expecting sweet and getting fruity sour by surprise.

This is not the only way this happens. I know you may like chocolate. You may even like nuts. Maybe you like peanut butter and sugar also. But how about a separate batch, instead of sugar-peanut-butter-nut-chocolate-chip cookies? Sure, it sounds adventurous but your taste buds, and in some cases, your teeth are riding the third rail on every bite.

This isn't just limited to cookies, snacks and deserts. I know that pizza is the all-inclusive pie, but do we really need lettuce on a pizza? If you're cooking dough and sauce and all other types of crap, is lettuce going to help anything? I don't mind a little adventure, and even I like to put Ranch dressing on my slice every now and again but give it a rest already.


Anonymous said...

Let me know if you want that pecan pie recipe. --Jeff

Footprint said...

"He's dead-fingered, Jim"