Monday, December 12, 2005

Please don't suck (part 2)

Okay fanboys, if it's okay for a new comic series of your favorite team-up to change origins, stories and costumes, cut the studio some flak. So the X-Men don't wear their Euro-trash nightclub getups like in the comics. So Juggernaut isn't 12 ft tall and the girth of a small villa. My only concern revolves around the rumor that the antagonist situation involves a de-mutant-izing serum. If that is done even partially off, this will be lame. But I hear Colossus serves up a "fastball special" so I'd go anyway. I am a nerd.

Elsewhere on the comic book front, DC drops Superman Returns about a month later. Has this happened before? Two major super-hero franchises in the theater at the same time? Although the new Supes looks like a 'mo in the "sleeker" costume, Kevin Spacey is Lex Luthor and Usual Suspects convinced me that skipping any Spacey flick other than that Bobby Darin 'mo flick is unwise. I have no clue who this Routh dude is that's playing Kal-el, but I hope he's got good insurance, considering the history of previous Supermen.

I guess instead of letting Nic Cage ruin the Superman franchise, they are going to let him ruin the exponentially less popular Ghost Rider franchise. Ghost Rider, the story of a spirit with a flaming skull on a body that rides a "hellcycle." I have heard that to play the part, Nic is simply going to take off the makeup he usually wears 24/7. I'd say I was only kidding to avoid getting hate mail, but considering my readership is only one or two strong, the odds of you being a Nic Cage "fan" are minute. I'll see this flick because I'll still be in the comic book ether after X-Men3 and Supes, and I'll dummy myself into thinking this will actually work. Marvel has less confidence, opening GR less than 2 months after XM3. Good luck Nicky.

Despite the fact that Colin Farrell is about as "himbo" as they come, pairing with Jamie Foxx for Miami Vice is a winner. For anyone too young to remember, just imagine Bad Boys with two Mike Lowreys - one White and one Cuban (even though Foxx probably can't spell "Cuban.") Add in a fiesty, yelling Captain, a chick to rescue, a modern-day suave criminal with a goon squad, a car chase through recognizable landmarks, a lot of guns, and I'm $9.50 poorer.

Point of order: Tom Cruise runs in every movie he stars in. I haven't seen every TC movie. Endless Love, Losin' It and Legend will never grace my TV, but I would bet he runs in them. Mission Impossible3 is an action movie and I've already seen screenshots of him in mid-stride. I have yet to find out what the reasoning is behind this phenomenon, but out of the 30 movies he's credited in, I would only claim the three I mentioned as being less than good. Even as wacky as Eyes Wide Shut was, it was classic Kubrick. That means no bad movies in 20 years. That means I'm at MI3.

If you didn't like first Sin City you need to see a lobotomist. Yes the dialogue was a little choppy but if you went to the bookstore and found the graphic novel on the shelf you would see how true to form that movie is. Mickey Rourke should keep playing versions of that character in every movie until he's dead. Jessica Alba is ... well, Jessica Alba. Well, the gang is back next year in Sin City 2: A Dame To Kill For. Sorry, but no movie with that title can suck. It would defy logic. Im.poss.ible.

There are other movies I could have named but you probably dislike me now or stopped reading 2 paragraphs ago, so why go on? Either way, I don't remember a time that I could so easily plot out the next $100 I was prepared to throw away on movies in the next year.

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